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Friday, November 12, 2021

fortify scan: Path Manipulation

A Path Manipulation attack (also known as directory traversal) aims to access files and directories that are stored outside the web root folder. By manipulating variables that reference files with “dot-dot-slash (../)” sequences and its variations or by using absolute file paths, it may be possible to access arbitrary files and directories stored on file system including application source code or configuration and critical system files. It should be noted that access to files is limited by system operational access control (such as in the case of locked or in-use files on the Microsoft Windows operating system).

this attack is also known as “dot-dot-slash”, “directory traversal”, “directory climbing” and “backtracking”.


Path manipulation errors occur when the following two conditions are met:

1. An attacker can specify a path used in an operation on the file system.

2. By specifying the resource, the attacker gains a capability that would not otherwise be permitted.

For example, the program might give the attacker the ability to overwrite the specified file or run with a configuration controlled by the attacker.

Example 1: The following code uses input from an HTTP request to create a file name. The programmer has not considered the possibility that an attacker may provide a file name like "..\\..\\Windows\\System32\\krnl386.exe", which will cause the application to delete an important Windows system file.

String rName = Request.Item("reportName");


File.delete("C:\\users\\reports\\" + rName);

Example 2: The following code uses input from a configuration file to determine which file to open and echo back to the user. If the program runs with adequate privileges and malicious users can change the configuration file, they can use the program to read any file on the system that ends with the extension ".txt".

sr = new StreamReader(resmngr.GetString("sub")+".txt");

while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) {




The best way to prevent path manipulation is with a level of indirection: create a list of legitimate values from which the user must select. With this approach, the user-provided input is never used directly to specify the resource name.

In some situations this approach is impractical because the set of legitimate resource names is too large or too hard to maintain. Programmers often resort to implementing a deny list in these situations. A deny list is used to selectively reject or escape potentially dangerous characters before using the input. However, any such list of unsafe characters is likely to be incomplete and will almost certainly become out of date. A better approach is to create a list of characters that are permitted to appear in the resource name and accept input composed exclusively of characters in the approved set.


1. If the program is performing custom input validation you are satisfied with, use the Fortify Custom Rules Editor to create a cleanse rule for the validation routine.

2. Implementation of an effective deny list is notoriously difficult. One should be skeptical if validation logic requires implementing a deny list. Consider different types of input encoding and different sets of metacharacters that might have special meaning when interpreted by different operating systems, databases, or other resources. Determine whether or not the deny list can be updated easily, correctly, and completely if these requirements ever change.

3. A number of modern web frameworks provide mechanisms to perform user input validation (including ASP.NET Request Validation and WCF). To highlight the unvalidated sources of input, Fortify Secure Coding Rulepacks dynamically re-prioritize the issues Fortify Static Code Analyzer reports by lowering their probability of exploit and providing pointers to the supporting evidence whenever the framework validation mechanism is in use. With ASP.NET Request Validation, we also provide evidence for when validation is explicitly disabled. We refer to this feature as Context-Sensitive Ranking. To further assist the Fortify user with the auditing process, the Fortify Software Security Research group makes available the Data Validation project template that groups the issues into folders based on the validation mechanism applied to their source of input.



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